Wednesday, June 24, 2009


oleh : Dr. Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin - USM)

Agama wajib dipelihara ketulenannya supaya tidak berlaku campur aduk antara rekaan manusia dan perintah Allah dan RasulNya. Jika agama boleh direkacipta, maka wahyu sudah tentu tidak diperlukan, juga Rasul tidak perlu diutuskan. Oleh itu Islam mengharamkan pembohongan di atas nama agama.

Kita melihat di akhir-akhir ini perkembangan yang lebih mendukacitakan, dimana adanya individu-individu tertentu yang tidak mempunyai latar belakang pengajian Islam atau sekadar sebulan dua di pusat pengajian tertentu kemudiannya muncul di tengah masyarakat dengan membawa huraian-huraian yang salah tentang Islam di sana-sini.

Fenomena ini mendukacitakan kita, akhirnya manusia mengambil agama daripada golongan jahil lalu mereka diselewengkan.

Bahkan bukan sahaja golongan yang tidak pernah mengikut pengajian Islam membuat kesalahan dalam memetik dan menghuraikan hadith bahkan ada di kalangan yang menggunakan lebel nama sebagai ustaz juga sering membuat kesalahan dalam persoalan memetik dan menghuraikan hadith-hadith Nabi s.a.w.

Sebenarnya gelaran ustaz bukan bererti seseorang itu tahu segalanya dalam ilmu-ilmu Islam. Sebaliknya ada golongan yang digelar ustaz hanya kerana sepatah dua kalimat yang dihafalnya.

Berbalik kepada persoalan hadith, ramai di kalangan kita yang begitu tidak berdisplin dalam memetik hadith-hadith Nabi s.a.w., begitu juga dalam menghuraikannya. Sebahagiannya langsung tidak mengambil berat persoalan kethabitan iaitu kepastian di atas ketulenan sesebuah hadith. Apa sahaja yang dikatakan hadith terus sahaja dibacakan kepada masyarakat tanpa meneliti takhrij dan tahqiq (keputusan) para ulama hadith terhadap kedudukannya.

Lebih malang ada yang menyangka apa sahaja yang dikatakan hadith maka pastinya sahih dan wajib diimani. Dengan itu apa sahaja yang mereka jumpai daripada buku bacaan, yang dikatakan hadith maka mereka terus sandarkan kepada Nabi s.a.w. tanpa usul periksa, sedangkan mereka lupa akan amaran yang diberikan oleh baginda Nabi s.a.w. dalam hadith yang mutawatir:

"Sesungguhnya berdusta ke atasku (menggunakan namaku) bukanlah seperti berdusta ke atas orang lain (menggunakan nama orang lain). Sesiapa yang berdusta ke atasku dengan sengaja, maka siaplah tempat duduknya dalam neraka" (Riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, dan selain mereka) Hadith ini adalah mutawatir (lihat: Ibn al-Salah,`Ulum al-Hadith, m.s. 239, cetakan: Dar al-Fikr al-Mu`asarah, Beirut)

Berbohong menggunakan nama Nabi s.a.w. adalah satu jenayah yang dianggap sangat barat di dalam Islam. Perbohongan atau berdusta menggunakan Nabi s.a.w. ialah menyandar sesuatu perkataan, atau perbuatan, atau pengakuan kepada Nabi s.a.w secara dusta, yang mana baginda tidak ada kaitan dengannya. Ini seperti menyebut Nabi s.a.w. bersabda sesuatu yang baginda tidak pernah bersabda, atau berbuat, atau mengakui sesuatu yang baginda tidak pernah melakukannya. Maka sesuatu yang dikaitkan dengan Nabi s.a.w. samada perkataan, atau perbuatan atau pengakuan, maka ianya disebut sebagai al-hadith. Namun menyandar sesuatu kepada Nabi s.a.w. secara dusta, bukanlah hadith pada hakikatnya, Cuma ianya disebut hadith berdasar apa yang didakwa oleh perekanya dan ditambah perkataan al-Maudu', atau al-Mukhtalaq iaitu palsu, atau rekaan. Maka hadith palsu ialah:

"Hadith yang disandarkan kepada Nabi s.a.w secara dusta, ianya tidak ada hubungan dengan Nabi s.a.w." (lihat: Nur al-Din Itr, Manhaj al-Nadq fi `Ulum al-Hadith, m.s.301, cetakan: Dar al-Fikr al-Mu`asarah, Beirut)

Perbuatan ini adalah jenayah memalsu ciptakan agama, kerana Nabi adalah sumber pengambilan agama. Seperti seseorang yang memalsukan passport di atas nama sesebuah kerajaan. Ianya sebenarnya melakukan pembohongan dan jenayah terhadap kerajaan tersebut. Kedudukan Nabi s.a.w tentunya lebih besar dan agung untuk dubandingkan. Oleh itu dalam riwayat yang lain Nabi s.a.w. menyebut:

"Jangan kamu berdusta ke atasku, sesiapa berdusta ke atasku maka dia masuk neraka" (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim).

Kata al-Hafizd Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani (meninggal 852H) dalam mengulas hadith ini:

"Ianya merangkumi setiap pendusta ke atas Nabi s.a.w. dan semua jenis pendustaan ke atas baginda. Maksudnya: Jangan kamu sandarkan pendustaan ke atasku (menggunakan namaku) (rujukan: Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, jld 1, m.s. 270, cetakan: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut).

Bukan sahaja membuat hadith palsu itu haram, bahkan meriwayatkannya tanpa diterang kepada orang yang mendengar bahawa ianya adalah hadith palsu juga adalah sesuatu yang haram. Kata al-Imam Ibn al-Salah (meninggal 643H):

"Tidak halal kepada sesiapa yang mengetahui ianya hadith palsu meriwayatkannya dalam apa bentuk sekalipun, melainkan disertai dengan menerangkan kepalsuannya" (Ibn al-Salah,`Ulum al-Hadith, m.s.98)

Misalnya di tanahair kita, didapati apabila munculnya bulan Rejab dan Sya`aban maka hadith-hadith palsu mengenai mengenai bulan-bulan tersebut akan dibaca dan diajar secara meluas. Antaranya hadith:

"Rejab bulan Allah, Sya`aban bulanku dan Ramadhan bulan umatku". Ini adalah hadith palsu yang direka oleh Ibn Jahdam. (lihat: Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, al-Manar al-Munif fi al-Sahih wa al-Dha`if, m.s. 95, cetakan: Maktab al-Matbu`at al-Islamiyyah, Halab, Syria)

Nama penuhnya Ibn Jahdam ialah `Ali bin `Abdillah bin Jahdam al-Zahid. Beliau meninggal pada tahun 414H. Beliau adalah seorang guru sufi di Mekah. Dia juga dituduh membuat hadith palsu mengenai solat Raghaib (iaitu solat pada jumaat pertama bulan Rejab). (lihat: al-Imam al-Zahabi, Mizan al-`Itidal fi Naqd al-Rijal,. 5, m.s. 173, cetakan: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyyah, Beirut).

Sebab itulah al-Imam Ibn al-Salah (meninggal 643H) menyebut: Ada beberapa golongan yang membuat hadith palsu, yang paling bahaya ialah puak yang menyandarkan diri mereka kepada zuhud (golongan sufi). Mereka ini membuat hadith palsu dengan dakwaan untuk mendapatkan pahala. Maka orang ramai pun menerima pendustaan mereka atas thiqah (kepercayaan) dan kecenderungan kepada mereka. Kemudian bangkitlah tokoh-tokoh hadith mendedahkan keburukan mereka ini dan menghapuskannya. AlhamdulilLah. (Ibn al-Salah, `Ulum al-Hadith, m.s. 99)

Golongan penceramah, imam, khatib, dan media massa pula, ada menjadi agen menyebarkan hadith-hadith palsu mengenai amalan-amalan yang dikatakan disunatkan pada bulan-bulan tersebut. Kata al-Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah (wafat 751H):Hadith-hadith mengenai solat Raghaib pada jumaat pertama bulan Rejab kesemuanya itu adalah palsu dan dusta ke atas Rasulullah s.a.w. Begitu juga semua hadith mengenai puasa bulan Rejab dan solat pada malam-malam tertentu adalah dusta ke atas Nabi s.a.w. Demikian juga hadith-hadith mengenai solat pada malam Nisfu Sya`aban (kesemuanya adalah palsu). Solat-solat ini direka selepas empat ratus tahun munculnya Islam (Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Manar al-Munif, m.s. 95-98).

Sebenarnya hadith sahih mengenai kebaikan malam nisfu Syaaban itu memang ada, tetapi amalan-amalan tertentu khas pada malam tersebut adalah palsu. Hadith yang boleh dipegang dalam masalah nisfu Sy`aaban ialah:

"Allah melihat kepada hamba-hambaNya pada malam nisfu Syaaban, maka Dia ampuni semua hamba-hambaNya kecuali musyrik (orang yang syirik) dan yang bermusuh (orang benci membenci) (Riwayat Ibn Hibban, al-Bazzar dan lain-lain). Al-Albani mensahihkan hadith ini dalam Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Sahihah. (jilid 3, .m.s. 135, cetakan: Maktabah al-Ma`arf, Riyadh).

Hadith ini tidak mengajar kita apakah bentuk amalan malam berkenaan. Oleh itu amalan-amalan tertentu pada malam tersebut seperti baca Yasin, solat-solat tertentu adalah bukan ajaran Nabi s.a.w. Kata Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi dalam menjawab soalan berhubung dengan Nisfu Syaaban:

"Tidak pernah diriwayatkan daripada Nabi s.a.w. dan para sahabat bahawa mereka berhimpun di masjid pada untuk menghidupkan malam nisfu Syaaban, membaca do`a tertentu dan solat tertentu seperti yang kita lihat pada sebahagian negeri orang Islam. Bahkan di sebahagian negeri, orang ramai berhimpun pada malam tersebut selepas maghrib di masjid. Mereka membaca surah Yasin dan solat dua raka`at dengan niat panjang umur, dua rakaat yang lain pula dengan niat tidak bergantung kepada manusia, kemudian mereka membaca do`a yang tidak pernah dipetik dari golongan salaf (para sahabah, tabi`in dan tabi' tabi`in). Ianya satu do`a yang panjang, yang menyanggahi nusus (al-Quran dan Sunnah) juga bercanggahan dan bertentang maknanya...perhimpunan (malam nisfu Syaaban) seperti yang kita lihat dan dengar yang berlaku di sebahagian negeri orang Islam adalah bid`ah dan diada-adakan. Sepatutnya kita melakukan ibadat sekadar yang dinyatakan dalam nas. Segala kebaikan itu ialah mengikut salaf, segala keburukan itu ialah bid`ah golongan selepas mereka, dan setiap yang diadakan-adakan itu bid`ah, dan setiap yang bid`ah itu sesat dan setiap yang sesat itu dalam neraka." (Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, jilid 1, m.s. 382-383, cetakan: Dar Uli al-Nuha, Beirut).

Inilah kenyataan Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, seorang tokoh ulama umat yang sederhana dan dihormati. Namun dalam masalah ini beliau agak tegas kerana ianya ternyata bercanggaha dengan apa yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah s.a.w.

Justeru itu hadith-hadith palsu mengenai Rejab dan Syaaban ini hendaklah dihentikan dari disebarkan ke dalam masyarakat. Kita perlu kembali kepada agama yang tulen. Hasil dari memudah-mudahkan dalam hal seperti ini maka muncullah golongan agama yang suka mendakwa perkara yang bukan-bukan. Dengan menggunakan nama agama segala rekaan baru dibuat untuk kepentingan diri dan kumpulan. Islam tidak pernah memberi kuasa kepada kepada golongan agama, atau sesiapa sahaja untuk mendakwa apa yang dia suka kemudian menyandarkannya kepada agama. Agama kita rujukannya ialah al-Quran dan al-Sunnah yang pasti kesabitannya mengikut yang diputuskan oleh para ulama hadith. Kata al-Syeikh Muhammad bin Muhammad Abu Syahbah (seorang ulama hadith al-Azhar):

"Masih ada para penceramah yang tidak ada ilmu hadith, samada ilmu riwayat atau dirayah (mengenai teks hadith). Mereka hanya membaca hadith apa yang mereka hafal dan dari tulisan-tulisan tanpa mengetahui kedudukan hadith tersebut. Apa yang mereka pentingkan hanyalah reda orang ramai. Lalu mereka menyebut perkara yang berlebih-lebih, pelik dan ajaib yang Islam tiada kaitan dengannya. Mereka ini sepatutnya dihalang dari berceramah, memberi nasihat dan bertazkirah." (Abu Syahbah, al-Wasit fi `Ulum wa al-Mustalah al-Hadith, m.s. 322, cetakan: Dar al-Fikr al-`Arabi, Kaherah)>

Penulis menyeru diri sendiri, para penceramah, ustaz-ustaz, media elektronik dan cetak juga semua pihak yang membaca sesuatu hadith memastikan kesahihannya dahulu. Semoga Rejab dan Syaaban tahun ini tidak dibaluti dengan pembohongan terhadap Nabi s.a.w.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Practicing Muslim

Please stop using the word practicing Muslim and non-practicing Muslim. There is no such thing as practicing Muslim or non-practicing Muslim. To be a Muslim, a person MUST PRACTICE the Sunnah and follow the Law of Allah.

If a person does not practice then he/she is not a Muslim. How can u say u submit to Allah then you dont follow His Law?
I just read a very meaningful article. Its about Muslim, Kafir, Munafiq etc.
Read this beautiful entry at

Please, I just hate people using that word.

The Khilafah

It has today become an indisputable reality that this Ummah yearns for the return of the Islamic Khilafah. She has witnessed much that solidifies this desire. Today, we find that Allah سبحانه وتعالى has brought back the desire in the hearts of the Muslims and this Ummah to return to the rule of Islam. Amongst them are those who are willing to dedicate their time and effort for the service of Islam. This article seeks to explain how such people can work for Islam and work for its noble aims.

Knowledge before action

Hazzam bin Hakeem narrated from his uncle from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم who said:

إِنَّكُم أَصْبَحْتُم فِي زَمَان كَثِير فُقَهَاؤه قَلِيل خُطَبَاؤه، قَلِيل سَائِلُوه كَثِير مَعطُوه، العَمَل فِيهِ خَيْر مِنَ العِلْم، وَسَيَأتِي عَلَى النَّاس زَمَان قَلِيل فُقَهَاؤه كَثِير خُطَبَاؤه قَلِيل مَعطُوه كَثِير سَائِلُوه، العِلْم فِيهِ خَيْر مِنَ العَمَل

"You are in a time of many jurisprudents (fuqaha), few speakers/lecturers, many who give and few who ask; so action in this time is better than knowledge. There will soon come a time of few jurisprudents, many speakers, many who beg and few who give; so knowledge in this time is better than action."

This noble advice by the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم builds the principle that Islam has always placed knowledge before action. It is saddening to see that amongst some workers for Islam, action comes before knowledge. This is highly dangerous, since we saw at the beginning of the last century a plethora of patriotic movements rising up against the colonialist occupation only to find that when the colonialists left they implemented the same secular models in their lands. Also we find today, under the banner of Islam, some Muslim governments conducting "experiments" for Islamisation, even though the Qur'an and Sunnah showed in detail the Islamic system, and this has been explained in many volumes of books.

Islam has placed knowledge and thinking as a precondition for action, and this ensures that the action undertaken is the correct action and that the action is according to Islam and is the correct action to achieve the aim. But the question may be asked - what type of knowledge is required? Here are a few areas that anyone working for Islam should seek to understand:

i. To gain an understanding of Islam and its basic concepts. These concepts need to start with the Aqa'id (belief) because this is the basis of all correct actions. A Muslim must be convinced of his basis, because under all strong structures lay a strong, solid foundation. We have witnessed, with great sadness, excellent people with much energy working for the goals of Islam one day and then leaving this work the other because their foundations were weak and all they had was zeal and desire rather than sound knowledge.

ii. To understand the Shari'ah rules. Islam has made it an obligation for a Muslim to understand the Hukm Shari' concerning his actions. So a Muslim must be aware of his obligations. It is incorrect for a Muslim to work for Islam, yet fall short of abiding by the rules of Islam in his personal life. Again we witness with sadness many who openly call out against ‘Western culture' yet in their own lives are engrossed with its films and music, soaps and trivialities the same West gives them. In understanding the Shari'ah rules, one must make sure he or she does not limit themselves to just a specific area which they are inclined to. Rather Islam needs to be taken completely.

iii. To understand the main points of Kufr. This area is unobvious to many. The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم used to know the thoughts of the Quraish so that he could speak out against them. Also Allah سبحانه وتعالى encouraged this, so in the Qur'an He سبحانه وتعالى points out on many occasions the contradictions that existed with the Mushrikeen. Today the Muslim needs to be aware of the dominant ideology, capitalism, its components and its contradiction with Islam. Again this knowledge requires more than just a superficial understanding such that the call of Islam becomes a general unconvincing call. When Allah سبحانه وتعالى says,

قُلْ هَـذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَاْ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي وَسُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَمَا أَنَاْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

"Say 'This is my way: I call to Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me. And Glorified and Exalted is Allah. And I am not of the Mushrikeen." [Yusuf: 108]

He سبحانه وتعالى commands the knowledge to be precise. Today we need to understand globalisation, democracy, freedom, interfaith dialogue, and secularism amongst many other ideas that are invalid and cannot be adopted by the Muslims.

iv. Knowledge of the correct Islamic work. If a Muslim were to study Islam correctly he would find that Islam has placed the authority as the most essential organ to safeguard the rules of Islam and the Muslims. This necessitates that in the absence of this authority work is required to bring it back. The Khilafah is the only correct structure Islam has laid down, the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "after me there will be no Prophet, but there will be Khulafah and they will number many". So the correct Islamic work is to call for the Khilafah. That means to work to bring back its return. This work by definition is a political work, and thus requires an aware Islamic political party.

Apart from what has been mentioned above, a Muslim must seek knowledge continuously and must always strive to excel in his or her understanding.

Carrying Da'wa

If a Muslim was to engage in gaining knowledge he would realise quickly that knowledge without action is like a donkey with books on its back. This knowledge would be of no use to the people no matter how much he gained and how much of a faqih he became. Islam has said that the most essential component in carrying Islam and bringing back the Khilafah is to carry Da'wa. That is to invite people.

Allah سبحانه وتعالى says,

ادْعُ إِلِى سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ

"Invite to the way of your Lord..." [An-Nahl: 125]

Also Islam has mandated that Da'wa should be carried immediately after knowledge. Never in the history of Islam has a Da'wa carrier stayed at home after being affected by Islam. The stories of the Sahabah (ra) are all an evidence for this. Also the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Convey from me even if it is one ayah".

The following needs to be kept in mind when carrying Da'wa.

i. Da'wa should be a focused work. The Muslims need to be told in a clear, unambiguous way that the many problems we see are due to the absence of the Khilafah and that Islam demands the Da'wa carrier to discuss this issue. Muslims must expose the plans of the West in our lands, their agents in the form of our leaders and all that stems from their corrupt ideology that distances the Muslims from uniting once again under this strong leadership such as the erroneous concepts of nationalism, pragmatism, gradualism and the like.

ii. A Muslim should not talk about what he does not know. The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم always sought revelation from Allah سبحانه وتعالى before he spoke a word. This forms a general rule that one cannot speak out of ignorance.

iii. Da'wa should be carried purely for the pleasure or Allah سبحانه وتعالى. A Da'wa carrier must not seek benefit or position from carrying Da'wa. Rather he must do this purely for the sake of Allah سبحانه وتعالى. This principle, that is to carry Da'wa for the pleasure of Allah سبحانه وتعالى if understood, will ensure the Da'wa carrier does not stray from his path and change his argument to suit the people.

iv. When carrying Da'wa nothing should interfere with the correct idea and the conveyance of it. The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم was the best example, and he conveyed this message without allowing egoism or personality into the discussion.

v. The call should be carried without compromise. It is not permissible to change the message in order to please the people or to win a temporary supporter. Rather this call needs to be frank, carried with wisdom, that is using the best of styles but conveying the haq (truth) completely. Furthermore the ideas that are carried must not be reconciled with the Western ideology and its standards. It must rather be derived purely from Islam.

vi. The carrier of the Da'wa must be ready to face the trials and tribulations that those who oppose it will place in his or her path. The only way to prepare for this is to have the clear knowledge of the key Islamic ideas such as al Qadaa wal Qadr, or Rizq (sustenance) being from Allah سبحانه وتعالى, or Al-Tawakkul (reliance on Allah [swt]) amongst other ideas. Also they must equip themselves with the knowledge of the previous Prophets (as) and their companions and how they bore hardships and finally they must be close to the Qur'an as there is not any other book but this that has the ability to motivate, inspire and energise.

Working with an Islamic Party

Allah سبحانه وتعالى has made carrying Da'wa Fard upon every Muslim. He سبحانه وتعالى has also obligated upon the community to establish at least one group to call to al-Khair, that is Islam, to enjoin al-Maroof (all that is good) and forbid al-Munkar (all that is evil).

Allah سبحانه وتعالى says in the Qur'an,

وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

"Let there arise from amongst you a band of people, who call to Al-Khair, enjoining al-maroof and forbidding al-munkar. And they are those who will gain success." [Al-Imran: 104]

This ayah obligates the establishment of a group. If one was to study the nature of the task to re-establish the Khilafah one would find that for this work to be effective, there needs to be a collective effort. Furthermore the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم worked with the Sahabah (ra) as a group to change the Kufr society and transform it to an Islamic one.

There are some points to consider before choosing which group or groups are correct to ensure that the action undertaken is one with full awareness. As with all actions, Allah سبحانه وتعالى will account us for obedience to him and so to just choose any group would be impermissible, rather the one or ones that fulfils the obligation pointed out in this noble ayah must be considered. These are the points:

i. This group must call to Islam. Allah سبحانه وتعالى mentions in this ayah the word ‘Al Khair', which is Islam. So if they were a nationalistic, democratic, capitalistic, socialist group etc... then they would not fulfil the command in this ayah. In fact joining groups who are based upon these foreign ideas or who call for such ideas would be sinful, as to call for these ideas and to gather around them is haram.

ii. This group must call to the vital issue, as defined by Islam. The vital issue today is the re-establishment of the Khilafah. It is the Khilafah that will implement Islam, and without it, it would be impossible for the society to adhere to all of the laws of Islam. By definition, calling for the Khilafah is a political work, as it involves changing the society to establish an authority and removing the present authorities based upon non-Islam. So this group must be a political group or party.

iii. It must have a clear method of affiliation. It has been observed that many groups are tarnished with infighting, strands, wings and the like. This is due to the members of these groups not having a unified aim and sets of ideas. Rather the people are often chosen because they show some sort of enthusiasm to do work regardless of them carrying the same ideas and aims.

iv. The group must have a ‘culturing process'. That is they must have a way of developing newcomers to the group as well as established members. This culturing must be taken seriously and all should need to go through it. This ensures they are built and developed with the Islamic culture, purifying their intentions and thoughts, building their concepts and strengthening their resolve. So the initial zeal and enthusiasm is transferred to a sound knowledge and consistent work. It is saddening to see the many who begin to work for Islam and then stop this work; this can generally be attributed to a lack of culturing with Islam in this group.

v. This group must be clear in its language, and bold in its actions - to enjoin the Maroof and forbid the Munkar requires from the Muslim to challenge all that is wrong and uphold all that is right.

vi. The group must study the reality clearly and comprehensively. Islam mandated that the reality in which the group works must be understood. This includes the study of the thoughts and ideas that exist in society as well as the plots and plans of the Kafiroon and her agent rulers in our lands. To just have a generalised understanding of the reality would not allow the people to understand the true nature of the problem we face.

vii. The group must not look down upon the Ummah nor abuse them for not working with them or not adhering to Islam. Rather it should seek to lift up their spirits, energise them, wake them from their slumber and bring about this change. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Whoever says the people are destroyed are the most destroyed of the people." [Sahih Muslim].

viii. The group should have a strong atmosphere that gels the members together. This atmosphere must be a pure one and it should be based upon seeking the pleasure of Allah سبحانه وتعالى. We witness many groups that exist in the West that are run like a company, where the members have to continuously be forced to undertake actions. This is contrary to the way of Islam where the strength of the idea makes a person willingly want to sacrifice his time and effort. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم wrote in a letter to Abdullah Ibn Jahsh, when he sent him to lead an expedition to keep an eye on Quraysh at Nakhlah, between Makkah and Ta'if: "Do not coerce anyone of your companions to proceed with you, and go forth with my order with those who follow you."

These three points; gaining knowledge, carrying da'wa and working with an Islamic Party would be the practical way to work for Khilafah. So after this, we would say join this work with the sincere ones who seek to achieve the highest place in Jannah. Strengthen your resolve, for the Ummah yearns for change, and this change requires work. May our deeds be multiplied in reward in the eyes of Allah سبحانه وتعالى and may we become the ones who will be the "beloved" to the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم!

The Messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers." It was asked, "Who are those strangers, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Those that correct the people when they become corrupt." This is the narration of at-Tabaraani in his al-Kabeer.


Friday, June 12, 2009


You can read aout them here:

After reading some article, I find something is wrong and doesnt smell right. Why do you need an organization like this if you have Islam? The Islamic Law is perfect. There is no flaw at all. This organization is promoting that Islam is not good enough for them. They still think that there is no fairness between men and women. I think this happened because most Muslims do not know their duty as men and as women. Both have their own responsibility and rights in the eye of Islam.

For most people nowadays, they think Islam is just a religion. They sure is wrong. Islam is not just a religion. Its a way of life. Muslim means surrender to Allah and do what He commands. So if a person claim that they are Muslims, they must follow the law laid down to us by Allah S.W.T. through His messenger Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. If a person who does not fallow this set of law then he/she is not a Muslim. If you do not want to follow this set of laws then DO NOT CALL YOURSELF AS MUSLIMS. I can see that this SIS do not want to follow this law. And they dare to call themselves Muslims?

I can see how SIS is destroying the beautiful image of Islam. The non-muslims is supporting them because SIS is supporting the law of the kafirs.

Najib gave his speech. I think he do not know Islam good enough. Dr Mahathir is also wrong. The ex-prime ministers daughters that support SIS. Look below:

The top is Marina Mahathir and the bottom is Nori Abdullah.
Do they look like Muslims?
Looks like kafirs. The people who rejects God's Law. This people thinks that their law are better than Allah!

They can be good doctors, engineers or watever they are doing but one thing for sure they are ignorant when it come to Islam.

Wake up muslims and see our leaders. They are ignorant of Islam

Kristian oh Kristian

Sudah lama tidak menulis kerana terlalu sibuk dengan kerja-kerja di sini.

Dalam senyap-senyap, berjaya juga berdialog dengan segelintir daripada orang Kristian Borneo.

Dalam banyak-banyak merekalah yang paling sukar untuk berdakwah kerana pegangan hidup mereka yang berdasarkan kepercayaan buta semata-mata. Tidak berbeza dengan pegangan hidup lama mereka yang memercayai roh, hantu dan semangat moyang. Hanya beragama Kristian kerana percaya dan hanya memahami agama mengikut kata-kata orang. Semua ini menunjukkan ketaatan(obedience) sahaja. Mereka hanya berkata-kata doktrin Kristianiti tanpa menyemak buku bible/alKitab lansung.

Begitu lemahnya pegangan agama seseorang hanya dengan ketaatan buta.
kadang-kala aku juga bertanya adakah orang Islam yang sebegini juga. Adakah juga orang Islam yang hanya beragama dengan ketaatan buta? Hatiku terdetik memikirkan segelintir rakan-rakanku. Aku doakan mereka tidak begini.

Ada begitu banyak persolan yang orang Kristian ini berikan tentang Islam, tentang Nabi Muhammad S.A.W., tentang kedudukan wanita dan tentang jihad.
Alhamdullilah aku mampu menjawabnya dengan izin Allah S.A.W.

Sudah berkali-kali aku membelek buku bible KIV aku ini, apa yang aku nampak hanyalah kebanyakkannya hasil penulisan manusia yang rakus yang sanggup mengubah, menambah dan mengurangkan di mana-mana sahaja untuk memuaskan selera mereka. Buku ini bagiku adalah seolah-olah penulisan mereka yang tersesat, mereka yang buta dan tidak dapat melihat cahaya.

Terdapat begitu banyak kesalahan dalam bible dan terdapat begitu banyak kesalahan sains dalam bible. Pastinya mereka tidak sedar kerana hanya taat buta sahaja. Bagaimana pula Islam? Tidak. Tiada satupun kesalahan atau percanggahan dalam al-Quran. Penulisan, gaya bahasa serta sainnya tidak dapat ditandingi. Alhamdullilah.

Adalah tidak penting samada mereka ini memeluk Islam atau tidak. Sekurang-kurangnya aku telah cuba untuk menyampaikan mesej KEBENARAN kepada mereka. Mereka adalah begitu dekat dengan kita bezanya ialah mereka tertipu dengan doktrin seperti Jesus (pbuh) anak Tuhan, triniti dan sebagainya.

Kristian oh kristian......