Thursday, December 3, 2009

Keajaiban al-Quran: Semut yang bercakap

Assalamualaikum Wrh. Wbt.

Sudah agak lama tidak mengupdate blog kerana banyak kerja yang tertangguh serta bertimbun setelah selamat kahwin pada 7/11 yang lepas.
Kupasan Islam dan sains hari ini adalah tentang semut. Antara kisah-kisah yang menarik dalam al-Quran ialah kisah Nabi Sulaiman dengan semut. Kisah ini direkodkan pada surah al-Naml, ayat 15-19.

Dan sesungguhnya kami telah mengurniakan ilmu pengetahuan kepada Nabi Daud dan Nabi Sulaiman; dan mereka berdua bersyukur dengan berkata: "Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah yang dengan limpah kurniaNya memberi kami kelebihan mengatasi kebanyakan hamba-hambaNya yang beriman".

Dan Nabi Sulaiman mewarisi (pangkat kenabian dan kerajaan) Nabi Daud; dan (setelah itu) Nabi Sulaiman berkata: "Wahai umat manusia, kami telah diajar mengerti bahasa pertuturan burung, dan kami telah diberikan serba sedikit dari tiap-tiap sesuatu (yang diperlukan); sesungguhnya yang demikian ini adalah limpah kurnia (dari Allah) yang jelas nyata".
Dan dihimpunkan bagi Nabi Sulaiman bala tenteranya, dari jin dan manusia serta burung; lalu mereka dijaga serta diatur keadaan dan perjalanan masing-masing.


(Maralah angkatan itu) hingga apabila m
ereka sampai ke "Waadin-Naml", berkatalah seekor semut: "Wahai sekalian semut, masuklah ke sarang kamu masing-masing, jangan Sulaiman dan tenteranya memijak serta membinasakan kamu, sedang mereka tidak menyedari".
Maka tersenyumlah Nabi Sulaiman mendengar kata-kata semut itu, dan berdoa dengan berkata:" Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatMu yang Engkau kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku, dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redai; dan masukkanlah daku - dengan limpah rahmatMu - dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaMu yang soleh".

Selama ini, saintis berpendapat bahawa semut berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan signal-signal berbentuk kimia dan tidak menggunakan bunyi sebagai bentuk komunikasi mereka. Pendapat saintis ini adalah bercanggah sama sekali dengan ayat al-Quran seperti yang saya tunjukkan diatas kerana dalam ayat 16:18 dan 16:19, didapati bahawa semut bercakap (berkomunikasi dengan bunyi). Dan bunyi ini pula didengari oleh Nabi Sulaiman A.S. serta difahaminya dengan ilmu yang dikurniakan Allah S.W.T.

Saban hari, orang bukan Islam yang dengki dengan perkembangan Islam di dunia menggunakan maklumat ini untuk memperkecilkan Islam dan mengatakan bahawa Islam ialah agama yang kuno serta tidak saintifik. Contohnya boleh dilihat pada website:

Penulis website ini cuba mempengaruhi orang Islam dengan menggunakan kaedah emperikal bagi membuktikan bahawa Islam bukan agama yang benar.

Sebelum saya membuktikan kebenaran tentang semut ini biarlah saya ceritakan sedikit tentang semut. Telah dianggarkan bahawa terdapat 20,000 spesis semut yang wujud di dunia. Semua semut-semut ini hidup berkoloni dan mempunyai sistem sosial yang tersusun dengan beberapa kasta iaitu - pekerja, askar, permaisuri dan dron - semua daripada mereka ini mempunyai tanggungjawab dan tugas-tugas yang amat spesifik untuk koloni mereka. Hanya semut permaisuri dan dron-dron jantan sahaja yang mampu untuk menghasilkan semut-semut baru. Kesemua semut askar dan semut pekerja adalah steril (tidak boleh menghasilkan zuriat).
Semut merupakan serangga yang bersosial kerana mereka hidup dan bekerjasama di dalam satu komuniti. Mereka membesar dan menjaga anak-anak mereka. Kehidupan seperti ini adalah amat berbeza dengan kehidupan serangga-serangga lain yang lebih banyak masa hidup bersendirian. Satu komuniti semut ini dipanggil sebagai koloni. Kehidupan dalam koloni semut adalah sangat tersusun. Setiap ahli mempunyai pekerjaan masing-masing yang sangat spesifik.

Koloni semut diperintah oleh semut permaisuri. Antara tugas semut permaisuri yang penting adalah untuk bertelur. Semut pekerja melakukan semua kerja-kerja yang lain seperti menjaga permaisuri dan anak-anak, membina sarang dan membaiki sarang yang rosak. Semut pekerja juga bekerja mencari makanan dan mempertahankan sarang dari musuh. Semua semut pekerja adalah betina. Pekerja askar tugasnya hanya mempertahankan sarang dari serangan musuh (lihat saiznya yang lebih besar).

Kebanyakkan semut jantan hanya hidup beberapa minggu atau bulan sahaja. Mereka tidak bekerja dan akan mati sebaik sahaja bersenyawa dengan semut permaisuri yang baru.


Sebagai serangga yang bersosial pastinya semut mempunyai suatu cara untuk berkomunikasi. Para saintis berpendapat bahawa semut berkomunikasi menggunakan feromon (pheromones) sahaja. Mereka berpendapat bahawa apabila terdapat bahaya semut akan merembeskan feromon bahaya. (rujuk 'alarm pheromones' di untuk keterangan lanjut).

Pada hari ini, kenyataan itu terbukti tidak benar apabila para saintis berjaya membuktikan bahawa semut juga berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bunyi untuk menggesa semut-semut lain untuk berasa dalam keadaan awas apabila terdapat bahaya.

Click atas article untuk baca selanjutnya.....

Artikel diatas membuktikan semut-semut sentiasa bercakap-cakap dalam frequensi yang sukar didengari oleh manusia. Semut permaisuri pula boleh memberikan arahan kepada semut-semut lain untuk berada dalam keadaan awas dengan menggunakan bunyi. Penemuan ini yang telah diterbitkan dalam jurnal Science telah menyanggah dakwaan pihak-pihak yang anti-Islam yang mengatakan bahawa semut tidak berkomunikasi dengan bunyi.

Beberapa lama apabila artikel ini telah diterbitkan dalam 'The Times', pihak-pihak yang anti-Islam tersebut telah menarik balik artikel mereka yang mempersendakan Islam. al-Quran yang mereka laporkan sebagai tidak benar dan tidak saintifik adalah begitu tepat. Mampukah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. mengetahui bahawa semut juga boleh bercakap 1400 tahun dahulu? Inilah antara tanda-tanda/petunjuk/hidayah yang Allah S.W.T. berikan kepada kita dalam al-Quran. Kita tidak mungkin untuk mengetahui perkara ini tanpa membaca dan memahami ilmu dalam al-Quran.

Pada hari ini, sedihnya kita hanya membaca al-Quran tanpa memahami atau mengetahui maksud ayat-ayat Quran. Mungkin dengan membaca kita akan mendapat pahala tetapi yang pasti kita tidak akan mendapat ilmu dari al-Quran. Jika tidak mendapat ilmu bagaimana kita boleh menjadikan al-Quran sebagai panduan hidup dan sebagai ubat kepada hati kita?

Walaupun al-Quran adalah dalam bahasa Arab, kini telah banyak diterbitkan terjemahan-terjemahan al-Quran dalam bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris. Bukan sahaja terjemahan al-Quran adalah dalam bahasa tempatan bahkan tafsir al-Quran juga kini banyak diterjemahkan kepada bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris.

Bacalah cerita yang sama dalam 'dailymail'. Click atas gambar di atas.
Body talk: Queen ants make a subtly different noise rubbing their chests to worker ants, allowing them to talk to each other
Balik semula kepada topik asal iaitu semut boleh berkomunikasi dengan bunyi, ada juga serangga-serangga lain yang tahu bahasa semut ini mengambil kesempatan ke atas semut. Contohnya arahan berbentuk bunyi dari semut permaisuri boleh dimimik oleh pupa dan larva rama-rama parasit yang mempergunakan semut untuk melindungi dan memberikannya makanan. Artikel ini turut membuktikan semut berkomunikasi dengan bunyi (bercakap).

Sila klik atas artikel untuk membaca selanjutnya....

Baiklah, sekarang kita lihat kembali al-Quran 27:16

27:18 حتى اذا اتوا على واد النمل قالت نملة ياايها النمل ادخلوا مساكنكم لايحطمنكم سليمان وجنوده وهم لايشعرون
[027:018] Hatta itha ataw AAala wadi alnnamli qalat namlatun ya ayyuha alnnamlu odkhuloo masakinakum la yahtimannakum sulaymanu wajunooduhu wahum la yashAAuroona

Jika saudara-saudari ada sedikit pengetahuan Arab, daripada kata kerja di atas didapati kata kerja yang digunakan menunjukkan bahawa semut yang memberikan arahan itu adalah semut betina.

Jika kita bandingkan dengan kajian-kajian terbaru yang dilakukan, didapati yang memberikan arahan adalah semut permaisuri iaitu semut betina. Soalnya disini ialah bagaimana Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. 1400 tahun dahulu tahu bahawa semut yang memberikan arahan itu adalah semut betina iaitu semut permaisuri? Pada ketika itu tiada kanta pembesar, apatah lagi mikroskop dan pengetahuan genetik. Ilmu ini pastinya datang dari Pencipta kita yang Maha Mengetahui segalanya dan disampaikan kepada kita melalui Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. pesuruhNya.

Kami akan perlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami di merata-rata tempat (dalam alam yang terbentang luas ini) dan pada diri mereka sendiri, sehingga ternyata jelas kepada mereka bahawa Al-Quran adalah benar. Belumkah ternyata kepada mereka kebenaran itu dan belumkah cukup (bagi mereka) bahawa Tuhanmu mengetahui dan menyaksikan tiap-tiap sesuatu?

Allahuakbar! Subhanallah.
Inilah mukjizat al-Quran yang telah ditinggalkan kepada kita.

Setiap kali nampak semut teringat pulak kisah Nabi Sulaiman.

Segala pujian bagi Allah.

>>>>>>>>Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatMu yang Engkau kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku, dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redai; dan masukkanlah daku - dengan limpah rahmatMu - dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaMu yang soleh.<<<<<<<<<<<


Monday, October 19, 2009

The Rich History of Science and Knowledge in Islam

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

What is Taught: The first mention of man in flight was by Roger Bacon, who drew a flying apparatus. Leonardo da Vinci also conceived of airborne transport and drew several prototypes.
What Should be Taught: Ibn Firnas of Islamic Spain invented, constructed and tested a flying machine in the 800's A.D. Roger Bacon learned of flying machines from Arabic references to Ibn Firnas' machine. The latter's invention antedates Bacon by 500 years and Da Vinci by some 700 years.

What is Taught: Glass mirrors were first produced in 1291 in Venice.
What Should be Taught: Glass mirrors were in use in Islamic Spain as early as the 11th century. The Venetians learned of the art of fine glass production from Syrian artisans during the 9th and 10th centuries.

What is Taught: Until the 14th century, the only type of clock available was the water clock. In 1335, a large mechanical clock was erected in Milan, Italy. This was possibly the first weight-driven clock.
What Should be Taught: A variety of mechanical clocks were produced by Spanish Muslim engineers, both large and small, and this knowledge was transmitted to Europe through Latin translations of Islamic books on mechanics. These clocks were weight-driven. Designs and illustrations of epi-cyclic and segmental gears were provided. One such clock included a mercury escapement. The latter type was directly copied by Europeans during the 15th century. In addition, during the 9th century, Ibn Firnas of Islamic Spain, according to Will Durant, invented a watch-like device which kept accurate time. The Muslims also constructed a variety of highly accurate astronomical clocks for use in their observatories.

What is Taught: In the 17th century, the pendulum was developed by Galileo during his teenage years. He noticed a chandelier swaying as it was being blown by the wind. As a result, he went home and invented the pendulum.
What Should be Taught: The pendulum was discovered by Ibn Yunus al-Masri during the 10th century, who was the first to study and document its oscillatory motion. Its value for use in clocks was introduced by Muslim physicists during the 15th century.

What is Taught: Movable type and the printing press was invented in the West by Johannes Gutenberg of Germany during the 15th century.
What Should be Taught: In 1454, Gutenberg developed the most sophisticated printing press of the Middle Ages. However, movable brass type was in use in Islamic Spain 100 years prior, and that is where the West's first printing devices were made.

What is Taught: Isaac Newton's 17th century study of lenses, light and prisms forms the foundation of the modern science of optics .
What Should be Taught: In the 1lth century al-Haytham determined virtually everything that Newton advanced regarding optics centuries prior and is regarded by numerous authorities as the "founder of optics. "
There is little doubt that Newton was influenced by him. Al-Haytham was the most quoted physicist of the Middle Ages. His works were utilized and quoted by a greater number of European scholars during the 16th and 17th centuries than those of Newton and Galileo combined.

What is Taught: Isaac Newton, during the 17th century, discovered that white light consists of various rays of colored light.
What Should be Taught: This discovery was made in its entirety by al-Haytham (11th century) and Kamal ad-Din (14th century). Newton did make original discoveries, but this was not one of them.

What is Taught: The concept of the finite nature of matter was first introduced by Antione Lavoisier during the 18th century. He discovered that, although matter may change its form or shape, its mass always remains the same. Thus, for instance, if water is heated to steam, if salt is dissolved in water or if a piece of wood is burned to ashes, the total mass remains unchanged.
What Should be Taught: The principles of this discovery were elaborated centuries before by Islamic Persia's great scholar, al-Biruni (d. 1050). Lavoisier was a disciple of the Muslim chemists and physicists and referred to their books frequently.

What is Taught: The Greeks were the developers of trigonometry .
What Should be Taught: Trigonometry remained largely a theoretical science among the Greeks. It was developed to a level of modern perfection by Muslim scholars, although the weight of the credit must be given to al-Battani. The words describing the basic functions of this science, sine, cosine and tangent, are all derived from Arabic terms. Thus, original contributions by the Greeks in trigonometry were minimal.

What is Taught:The use of decimal fractions in mathematics was first developed by a Dutchman, Simon Stevin, in 1589. He helped advance the mathematical sciences by replacing the cumbersome fractions, for instance, 1/2, with decimal fractions, for example, 0.5.
What Should be Taught: Muslim mathematicians were the first to utilize decimals instead of fractions on a large scale. Al-Kashi's book, Key to Arithmetic, was written at the beginning of the 15th century and was the stimulus for the systematic application of decimals to whole numbers and fractions thereof. It is highly probably that Stevin imported the idea to Europe from al-Kashi's work.

What is Taught: The first man to utilize algebraic symbols was the French mathematician, Francois Vieta. In 1591, he wrote an algebra book describing equations with letters such as the now familiar x and y's. Asimov says that this discovery had an impact similar to the progression from Roman numerals to Arabic numbers.
What Should be Taught: Muslim mathematicians, the inventors of algebra, introduced the concept of using letters for unknown variables in equations as early as the 9th century A.D. Through this system, they solved a variety of complex equations, including quadratic and cubic equations. They used symbols to develop and perfect the binomial theorem.

What is Taught: The difficult cubic equations (x to the third power) remained unsolved until the 16th century when Niccolo Tartaglia, an Italian mathematician, solved them.
What Should be Taught: Cubic equations as well as numerous equations of even higher degrees were solved with ease by Muslim mathematicians as early as the 10th century.

What is Taught: The concept that numbers could be less than zero, that is negative numbers, was unknown until 1545 when Geronimo Cardano introduced the idea.
What Should he Taught: Muslim mathematicians introduced negative numbers for use in a variety of arithmetic functions at least 400 years prior to Cardano.

What is Taught: In 1614, John Napier invented logarithms and logarithmic tables.
What Should be Taught: Muslim mathematicians invented logarithms and produced logarithmic tables several centuries prior. Such tables were common in the Islamic world as early as the 13th century.

What is Taught: During the 17th century Rene Descartes made the discovery that algebra could be used to solve geometrical problems. By this, he greatly advanced the science of geometry.
What Should be Taught: Mathematicians of the Islamic Empire accomplished precisely this as early as the 9th century A.D. Thabit bin Qurrah was the first to do so, and he was followed by Abu'l Wafa, whose 10th century book utilized algebra to advance geometry into an exact and simplified science.

What is Taught: Isaac Newton, during the 17th century, developed the binomial theorem, which is a crucial component for the study of algebra.
What Should be Taught: Hundreds of Muslim mathematicians utilized and perfected the binomial theorem. They initiated its use for the systematic solution of algebraic problems during the 10th century (or prior).

What is Taught: No improvement had been made in the astronomy of the ancients during the Middle Ages regarding the motion of planets until the 13th century. Then Alphonso the Wise of Castile (Middle Spain) invented the Aphonsine Tables, which were more accurate than Ptolemy's.
What Should be Taught: Muslim astronomers made numerous improvements upon Ptolemy's findings as early as the 9th century. They were the first astronomers to dispute his archaic ideas. In their critic of the Greeks, they synthesized proof that the sun is the center of the solar system and that the orbits of the earth and other planets might be elliptical. They produced hundreds of highly accurate astronomical tables and star charts. Many of their calculations are so precise that they are regarded as contemporary. The AlphonsineTables are little more than copies of works on astronomy transmitted to Europe via Islamic Spain, i.e. the Toledo Tables.

What is Taught: The English scholar Roger Bacon (d. 1292) first mentioned glass lenses for improving vision. At nearly the same time, eyeglasses could be found in use both in China and Europe.
What Should be Taught: Ibn Firnas of Islamic Spain invented eyeglasses during the 9th century, and they were manufactured and sold throughout Spain for over two centuries. Any mention of eyeglasses by Roger Bacon was simply a regurgitation of the work of al-Haytham (d. 1039), whose research Bacon frequently referred to.

What is Taught: Gunpowder was developed in the Western world as a result of Roger Bacon's work in 1242. The first usage of gunpowder in weapons was when the Chinese fired it from bamboo shoots in attempt to frighten Mongol conquerors. They produced it by adding sulfur and charcoal to saltpeter.
What Should be Taught: The Chinese developed saltpeter for use in fireworks and knew of no tactical military use for gunpowder, nor did they invent its formula. Research by Reinuad and Fave have clearly shown that gunpowder was formulated initially by Muslim chemists. Further, these historians claim that the Muslims developed the first fire-arms. Notably, Muslim armies used grenades and other weapons in their defence of Algericus against the Franks during the 14th century. Jean Mathes indicates that the Muslim rulers had stock-piles of grenades, rifles, crude cannons, incendiary devices, sulfur bombs and pistols decades before such devices were used in Europe. The first mention of a cannon was in an Arabic text around 1300 A.D. Roger Bacon learned of the formula for gunpowder from Latin translations of Arabic books. He brought forth nothing original in this regard.

What is Taught: The compass was invented by the Chinese who may have been the first to use it for navigational purposes sometime between 1000 and 1100 A.D. The earliest reference to its use in navigation was by the Englishman, Alexander Neckam (1157-1217).
What Should be Taught: Muslim geographers and navigators learned of the magnetic needle, possibly from the Chinese, and were the first to use magnetic needles in navigation. They invented the compass and passed the knowledge of its use in navigation to the West. European navigators relied on Muslim pilots and their instruments when exploring unknown territories. Gustav Le Bon claims that the magnetic needle and compass were entirely invented by the Muslims and that the Chinese had little to do with it. Neckam, as well as the Chinese, probably learned of it from Muslim traders. It is noteworthy that the Chinese improved their navigational expertise after they began interacting with the Muslims during the 8th century.

What is Taught: The first man to classify the races was the German Johann F. Blumenbach, who divided mankind into white, yellow, brown, black and red peoples.
What Should be Taught: Muslim scholars of the 9th through 14th centuries invented the science of ethnography. A number of Muslim geographers classified the races, writing detailed explanations of their unique cultural habits and physical appearances. They wrote thousands of pages on this subject. Blumenbach's works were insignificant in comparison.

What is Taught: The science of geography was revived during the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries when the ancient works of Ptolemy were discovered. The Crusades and the Portuguese/Spanish expeditions also contributed to this reawakening. The first scientifically-based treatise on geography were produced during this period by Europe's scholars.
What Should be Taught: Muslim geographers produced untold volumes of books on the geography of Africa, Asia, India, China and the Indies during the 8th through 15th centuries. These writings included the world's first geographical encyclopedias, almanacs and road maps. Ibn Battutah's 14 th century masterpieces provide a detailed view of the geography of the ancient world. The Muslim geographers of the 10th through 15th centuries far exceeded the output by Europeans regarding the geography of these regions well into the 18th century. The Crusades led to the destruction of educational institutions, their scholars and books. They brought nothing substantive regarding geography to the Western world.

What is Taught: Robert Boyle, in the 17th century, originated the science of chemistry.
What Should be Taught: A variety of Muslim chemists, including ar-Razi, al-Jabr, al-Biruni and al-Kindi, performed scientific experiments in chemistry some 700 years prior to Boyle. Durant writes that the Muslims introduced the experimental method to this science. Humboldt regards the Muslims as the founders of chemistry.

What is Taught: Leonardo da Vinci (16th century) fathered the science of geology when he noted that fossils found on mountains indicated a watery origin of the earth.
What Should be Taught: Al-Biruni (1lth century) made precisely this observation and added much to it, including a huge book on geology, hundreds of years before Da Vinci was born. Ibn Sina noted this as well (see pages 100-101). it is probable that Da Vinci first learned of this concept from Latin translations of Islamic books. He added nothing original to their findings.

What is Taught: The first mention of the geological formation of valleys was in 1756, when Nicolas Desmarest proposed that they were formed over a long periods of time by streams.
What Should be Taught: Ibn Sina and al-Biruni made precisely this discovery during the 11th century (see pages 102 and 103), fully 700 years prior to Desmarest.

What is Taught: Galileo (17th century) was the world's first great experimenter.
What Should be Taught: Al-Biruni (d. 1050) was the world's first great experimenter. He wrote over 200 books, many of which discuss his precise experiments. His literary output in the sciences amounts to some 13,000 pages, far exceeding that written by Galileo or, for that matter, Galileo and Newton combined.

What is Taught: The Italian Giovanni Morgagni is regarded as the father of pathology because he was the first to correctly describe the nature of disease.
What Should be Taught: Islam's surgeons were the first pathologists. They fully realized the nature of disease and described a variety of diseases to modern detail. Ibn Zuhr correctly described the nature of pleurisy, tuberculosis and pericarditis. Az-Zahrawi accurately documented the pathology of hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and other congenital diseases. Ibn al-Quff and Ibn an-Nafs gave perfect descriptions of the diseases of circulation. Other Muslim surgeons gave the first accurate descriptions of certain malignancies, including cancer of the stomach, bowel and esophagus. These surgeons were the originators of pathology, not Giovanni Morgagni.

What is Taught: Paul Ehrlich (19th century) is the originator of drug chemotherapy, that is the use of specific drugs to kill microbes.
What Should be Taught: Muslim physicians used a variety of specific substances to destroy microbes. They applied sulfur topically specifically to kill the scabies mite. Ar-Razi (10th century) used mercurial compounds as topical antiseptics.

What is Taught: Purified alcohol, made through distillation, was first produced by Arnau de Villanova, a Spanish alchemist, in 1300 A.D.
What Should be Taught: Numerous Muslim chemists produced medicinal-grade alcohol through distillation as early as the 10th century and manufactured on a large scale the first distillation devices for use in chemistry. They used alcohol as a solvent and antiseptic.

What is Taught: The first surgery performed under inhalation anesthesia was conducted by C.W. Long, an American, in 1845.
What Should be Taught: Six hundred years prior to Long, Islamic Spain's Az-Zahrawi and Ibn Zuhr, among other Muslim surgeons, performed hundreds of surgeries under inhalation anesthesia with the use of narcotic-soaked sponges which were placed over the face.

What is Taught: During the 16th century Paracelsus invented the use of opium extracts for anesthesia.
What Should be Taught: Muslim physicians introduced the anesthetic value of opium derivatives during the Middle Ages. Opium was originally used as an anesthetic agent by the Greeks. Paracelus was a student of Ibn Sina's works from which it is almost assured that he derived this idea.

What is Taught: Modern anesthesia was invented in the 19th century by Humphrey Davy and Horace Wells.
What Should be Taught: Modern anesthesia was discovered, mastered and perfected by Muslim anesthetists 900 years before the advent of Davy and Wells. They utilized oral as well as inhalant anesthetics.

What is Taught: The concept of quarantine was first developed in 1403. In Venice, a law was passed preventing strangers from entering the city until a certain waiting period had passed. If, by then, no sign of illness could be found, they were allowed in.
What Should be Taught: The concept of quarantine was first introduced in the 7th century A.D. by the prophet Muhammad, who wisely warned against entering or leaving a region suffering from plague. As early as the 10th century, Muslim physicians innovated the use of isolation wards for individuals suffering with communicable diseases.

What is Taught: The scientific use of antiseptics in surgery was discovered by the British surgeon Joseph Lister in 1865.
What Should be Taught: As early as the 10th century, Muslim physicians and surgeons were applying purified alcohol to wounds as an antiseptic agent. Surgeons in Islamic Spain utilized special methods for maintaining antisepsis prior to and during surgery. They also originated specific protocols for maintaining hygiene during the post-operative period. Their success rate was so high that dignitaries throughout Europe came to Cordova, Spain, to be treated at what was comparably the "Mayo Clinic" of the Middle Ages.

What is Taught: In 1545, the scientific use of surgery was advanced by the French surgeon Ambroise Pare. Prior to him, surgeons attempted to stop bleeding through the gruesome procedure of searing the wound with boiling oil. Pare stopped the use of boiling oils and began ligating arteries. He is considered the "father of rational surgery." Pare was also one of the first Europeans to condemn such grotesque "surgical" procedures as trepanning (see reference #6, pg. 110).
What Should be Taught: Islamic Spain's illustrious surgeon, az-Zahrawi (d. 1013), began ligating arteries with fine sutures over 500 years prior to Pare. He perfected the use of Catgut, that is suture made from animal intestines. Additionally, he instituted the use of cotton plus wax to plug bleeding wounds. The full details of his works were made available to Europeans through Latin translations.
Despite this, barbers and herdsmen continued be the primary individuals practicing the "art" of surgery for nearly six centuries after az-Zahrawi's death. Pare himself was a barber, albeit more skilled and conscientious than the average ones.
Included in az-Zahrawi's legacy are dozens of books. His most famous work is a 30 volume treatise on medicine and surgery. His books contain sections on preventive medicine, nutrition, cosmetics, drug therapy, surgical technique, anesthesia, pre and post-operative care as well as drawings of some 200 surgical devices, many of which he invented. The refined and scholarly az-Zahrawi must be regarded as the father and founder of rational surgery, not the uneducated Pare.

What is Taught: William Harvey, during the early 17th century, discovered that blood circulates. He was the first to correctly describe the function of the heart, arteries and veins. Rome's Galen had presented erroneous ideas regarding the circulatory system, and Harvey was the first to determine that blood is pumped throughout the body via the action of the heart and the venous valves. Therefore, he is regarded as the founder of human physiology.
What Should be Taught: In the 10th century, Islam's ar-Razi wrote an in-depth treatise on the venous system, accurately describing the function of the veins and their valves. Ibn an-Nafs and Ibn al-Quff (13th century) provided full documentation that the blood circulates and correctly described the physiology of the heart and the function of its valves 300 years before Harvey. William Harvey was a graduate of Italy's famous Padua University at a time when the majority of its curriculum was based upon Ibn Sina's and ar-Razi's textbooks.

What is Taught: The first pharmacopeia (book of medicines) was published by a German scholar in 1542. According to World Book Encyclopedia, the science of pharmacology was begun in the 1900's as an off-shoot of chemistry due to the analysis of crude plant materials. Chemists, after isolating the active ingredients from plants, realized their medicinal value.
What Should be Taught: According to the eminent scholar of Arab history, Phillip Hitti, the Muslims, not the Greeks or Europeans, wrote the first "modern" pharmacopeia. The science of pharmacology was originated by Muslim physicians during the 9th century. They developed it into a highly refined and exact science. Muslim chemists, pharmacists and physicians produced thousands of drugs and/or crude herbal extracts one thousand years prior to the supposed birth of pharmacology. During the 14th century Ibn Baytar wrote a monumental pharmacopeia listing some 1400 different drugs. Hundreds of other pharmacopeias were published during the Islamic Era. It is likely that the German work is an offshoot of that by Ibn Baytar, which was widely circulated in Europe.

What is Taught: The discovery of the scientific use of drugs in the treatment of specific diseases was made by Paracelsus, the Swiss-born physician, during the 16th century. He is also credited with being the first to use practical experience as a determining factor in the treatment of patients rather than relying exclusively on the works of the ancients.
What Should be Taught: Ar-Razi, Ibn Sina, al-Kindi, Ibn Rushd, az -Zahrawi, Ibn Zuhr, Ibn Baytar, Ibn al-Jazzar, Ibn Juljul, Ibn al-Quff, Ibn an-Nafs, al-Biruni, Ibn Sahl and hundreds of other Muslim physicians mastered the science of drug therapy for the treatment of specific symptoms and diseases. In fact, this concept was entirely their invention. The word "drug" is derived from Arabic. Their use of practical experience and careful observation was extensive.
Muslim physicians were the first to criticize ancient medical theories and practices. Ar-Razi devoted an entire book as a critique of Galen's anatomy. The works of Paracelsus are insignificant compared to the vast volumes of medical writings and original findings accomplished by the medical giants of Islam.

What is Taught: The first sound approach to the treatment of disease was made by a German, Johann Weger, in the 1500's.
What Should be Taught: Harvard's George Sarton says that modern medicine is entirely an Islamic development and that Setting the Record Straight the Muslim physicians of the 9th through 12th centuries were precise, scientific, rational and sound in their approach. Johann Weger was among thousands of Europeans physicians during the 15th through 17th centuries who were taught the medicine of ar-Razi and Ibn Sina. He contributed nothing original.

What is Taught: Medical treatment for the insane was modernized by Philippe Pinel when in 1793 he operated France's first insane asylum .
What Should be Taught: As early as the 1lth century, Islamic hospitals maintained special wards for the insane. They treated them kindly and presumed their disease was real at a time when the insane were routinely burned alive in Europe as witches and sorcerers. A curative approach was taken for mental illness and, for the first time in history, the mentally ill were treated with supportive care, drugs and psychotherapy. Every major Islamic city maintained an insane asylum where patients were treated at no charge. In fact, the Islamic system for the treatment of the insane excels in comparison to the current model, as it was more humane and was highly effective as well.

What is Taught: Kerosine was first produced by the an Englishman, Abraham Gesner, in 1853. He distilled it from asphalt.
What Should be Taught: Muslim chemists produced kerosine as a distillate from petroleum products over 1,000 years prior to Gesner (see Encyclopaedia Britannica under the heading, Petroleum).


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cakap jangan tak cakap

I just read this from

I didnt really check the hadiths etc but I like this. It sweet and simple.



1- Semua perkataan mestilah membawa kebaikan
(Hadis Nabi saw: Sesiapa yang beriman kpd Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah berkata baik atau lebih baik dia diam-HR Bukhari dan Muslim)

2- Bercakap mestilah jelas dan benar
(Aisyah berkata: Bahawasanya Rasulullah saw itu selalu jelas sehingga difahami oleh semua yang mendengarnya-HR Abu Daud)

3- Seimbang dan menjauhi sikap berdolak-dalih.
(Sabda Nabi saw: Sesungguhnya orang yang paling aku benci dan paling jauh dariku di hari kiamat ialah orang yang banyak bercakap dan bersikap sombong dan bercakap.-HR Tirmizi-hadis Hassan)

4- Menghindari banyak bercakap, kerana ditakuti membosankan orang yang mendengarnya.
(Hadis riwayat Wail:Adalah Ibnu Masud sentiasa mengajar kami setiap Khamis, maka berkata seorang lelaki, Wahai Abu Abdul Rahman (gelaran kpd Ibnu Masud) kamu mahu mengajar kami pada setiap hari? Ibnu Masud menjawab: Sesungguhnya tiada yang dapat menghalangku memenuhi keinginanmu, hanya aku khuatir membosankan kalian, kerana aku pernag meminta yang demikian drp Rasulullah saw dan baginda menjawab: aku khuatir membosankan kamu- HR Muttafaq alaih)

5- Menghindari drp menyatakan yang batil.
(Sabda Rasulullah saw:Sesungguhnya seorang hamba mengucapkan satu kata yang diredahai Allah yang ia tidak mengira yg akan mendapatkan sedemikian sehingga dicatat oleh Allah keredaanNya bagi orang tersebut hingga hari kiamat. Dan lelaki mengucapkan satu kata yang dikurkai Allah yg tidak dikiranya akan demikian, maka Allah akan mencatat yg demikian hingga kiamat-HR Tirmizi, katanya hadis hassan sahih. Juga riwayat Ibnu Majah)

6- Mengulangi kata-kata yang penting, jika diperlukan.
(Anas berkata apabila Nabi saw bercakap, maka baginda akan mengulanginya sampai 3 kali sehingga semua yang mendengar menjadi faham dan apabila baginda mendatangi rumah seseorang maka baginda akan mengucap salam 3 kali-HR Bukhari)

7- Menjauhi perdebatan sengit.
(Sabda Rasulullah saw: Tidak sesat sesuatu kaum setelah mendapat hidayah, melainkan kerana terlalu banyak berdebat-HR Ahmad dan Tamizi)

8- Menjauhi kata keji, mencela dan melaknat.
(Sabda Rasulullah saw: Bukanlah seorang mukmin jika ia suka mencela, melaknat dan berkata-kat keji-HR Tarmizi dan Sanadnya Sahih)

9- Menghindari banyak kelakar.
(Sabda Rasulullah saw: Sesungguhnya seburuk-buruk orang di sisi Allah di hari akhirat ialah orang yang suka membuat manusia lain ketawa-HR Bukhari)

10- Menghina atau aibkan orang lain.
(Sabda Rasulullah saw: Jika seseorang menceritakan satu hal padamu lalu ia pergi, maka ceritanya itu menjadi amanah bagimu untuk menjaganya-HR Abu Daud dan Tarmizi)

11- Menghindari dusta.
(sabda Rasulullah saw: Tanda-tanda munafik ada 3: Jika bercakap, ia berdusta, jika ia berjanji ia mungkiri dan jika ia diberi amanah, ia khianati-HR Bukhari

12- Menghindari ghibah (umpat mengumpat) dan adu domba.
(sabda Rasulullah saw: Janganlah kamu saling mendengki, dan janganlah kamu saling benci dan janganlah kamu saling berkata-kata keji dan janganlah kamu saling berpaling muka dan janganlah kamu saling umpat mengumpat (ghibah) dengan yang lain dan jadilah hamba Allah yang bersaudara-HR Muttafaq Alaih)


Kita dikurniakan mulut untuk berkata-kata. Namun bagi setiap perkataan yang diperkatakan pasti ada kesannya kepada orang lain dan kepada diri kita sendiri. Oleh itu, kita haruslah berhati-hati dengan percakapan kita. Allah S.W.T berfirman dalam Surah Qaaf, ayat17-18 yang boleh ditranslasikan:-

Semasa dua malaikat (yang mengawal dan menjaganya) menerima dan menulis segala perkataan dan perbuatannya; yang satu duduk di sebelah kanannya, dan yang satu lagi di sebelah kirinya.
Tidak ada sebarang perkataan yang dilafazkannya (atau perbuatan yang dilakukannya) melainkan ada di sisinya malaikat pengawas yang sentiasa sedia (menerima dan menulisnya).

Kita percaya apa yang dikatakan dan kesan-kesannya akan dibalas. Yang baik dibalas baik dan yang tidak baik akan dibalas dengan tidak baik.

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W telah memberi amaran kepada kita tentang bahaya bercakap. Dalam sebuah hadis sahih oleh Imam At-tirmithi dan Ibn-Majah, baginda berkata,"A person may say a word that is pleasing to Allah (S.W.T.) and he may not think much of it, but Allah (S.W.T.) will, (because of that word), bestow his pleasure upon him on the Day of Judgment, and a person may say a word that is displeasing to Allah (S.W.T.), and he may not think much of it, but Allah will have, (because of that word) his wrath and anger on him on the Day of Judgment." (maaf, saya tak pandai translasinya dalam bahasa Melayu).

Berkata-katalah kita supaya kita dirahmati Allah S.W.T. Kalau kata-kata kita tidak disukai Allah maka Allah akan membalasnya pada hari akhirat nanti. Bercakap boleh menjadi bahaya. Oleh yang demikian, kita haruslah mengawalnya dalam limitasi Islam, dipandukan oleh Allah dan pesuruhNya Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

Antara cara-cara yang baik untuk mengawal cara percakapan kita telah dibincangkan seperti dalam artikel diatas ini.

Jika kita hendak berkata-kata selepas ini, adalah lebih baik berfikir dahulu. Adakah kata-kata kita ni adalah berguna dan memberikan kaitan? Jika tidak maka lebih baik diam. Ini adalah salah satu cara untuk beriman/percaya kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat. {Disebabkan saya suka membaca, banyak jugak yang saya tahu. Kadang-kala, semasa mendengar perbualan ada juga bercakap tentang perkara-perkara tertentu (walaupun hanya pengetahuan am), tapi selepas itu rasa menyesal pulak sebab tak mambawa apa-apa faedah pun. Diejek-ejek ada la. Lebih baik diam saja.} - Note: sama macam point 1.

Kita juga haruslah jujur dalam percakapan kita dan elakkan daripada menipu kerana orang yang percaya kepada Allah tidak akan menipu walaupun dia membuat lucu/melawak. Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. berkata, seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Imam Bukhari dan Muslim,"You must speak the truth for the truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to Paradise. One who always speaks the truth and means the truth, is recorded as truthful with Allah. Keep away from the lie for the lie leads to evil and evil leads to the Hell Fire and one who continually tells a lie and intends to lie is recorded with Allah as a liar." Bercakap jujur/benar akan membawa kepada kebaikan dan kebaikan pula akan membawa kepada Syurga. Orang yang berkata benar/jujur dan bermaksud jujur/benar akan direkodkan sebagai jujur dengan Allah. Jauhilah daripada menipu kerana menipu akan membawa kepada kejahatan dan kejahatan akan membawa kepada Api Neraka. Orang yang berterusan menipu dan berniat untuk menipu akan direkodkan menipu dengan Allah. {Kadang-kala ada juga menipu walaupun hanya kecil tetapi nanti masuk neraka. Tak mahu aku masuk neraka. Jangan menipu lagi. Try the best! Berfikir sebelum bercakap!}

Tahanlah diri daripada keingkaran kepada Allah dalam percakapan kita samada kita serius atau melawak kerana Allah membenci kepada mereka yang ingkar, yang menyumpah (the curser). Percakapan yang menyumpah ini termasuklah menyumpah seranah, mencaci, bercakap belakang, bercakap buruk tentang seseorang. Bagi tujuan inin Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah memberikan amaran seperti dalam hadis berikut:

1555. Ibn Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A true believer is not involved in taunting, or frequently cursing (others) or in indecency or abusing.''

Seseorang yang percaya dan beriman kepada Allah tidak akan terlibat dengan sumpah-menyumpah, bercakap dibelakang seseorang sesuatu yang tidak disukai orang tersebut (walaupun perkara itu benar), bercakap buruk tentang seseorang, mencaci, menggunakan bahasa kasar dan perkara-perkara yang sewaktu dengannya.

Menyumpah/melaknat seorang yang beriman kepada Allah pula adalah seperti membunuhnya. Sumpahan seorang Muslim adalah pengingkaran. Kita juga tidak boleh menyumpah orang yang mati sebagaimana kita menyumpah orang yang masih hidup.

Antara perkara yang paling sukar untuk dibendung ialah Gheebah/mengumpat. Gheebah ini berlaku apabila kita bercakap tentang seseorang di mana orang tersebut jika mengetahui tidak akan suka kita bercakap tentangnya.

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa; dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang; dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.

Ayat ini menunjukkan betapa seriusnya mengumpat. Mahu tak kita makan daging mayat saudara kita sendiri? Ini juga menunjukkan betapa mudahnya kita boleh berdosa. Mula-mula kita berasa sangsi (kerana tidak bersangka baik) antara satu sama lain, kemudian kita mula memerhatikan gerak-geri dan percakapan mereka.

Apabila kita berbuat demikian, kita telah menilai dan menginterpretasi perilaku dan percakapan mereka dalam cara kita, yang pada kebanyakkan masanya adalah tidak tepat kerana kita tidak tahu motif dan niat mereka. Kemudian kita mula bercakap tentang mereka tanpa kehadiran mereka ini, dan seringkali bercakap tentang perkara yang tidak benar tentang mereka. Jika mereka tahu apa yang telah diperkatakan tentang mereka pastinya mereka akan sangat susah hati. Kadang-kala, apa yang kita syak dan interpretasi kita adalah benar tetapi ini tidak bermakna adalah baik untuk memberitahu orang lain. {Alhamdullilah perkara ini selalu terjauh dariku, cara yang paling baik adalah dengan bertanya sendiri daripada pergi menyebarkan syak wasangka yang tidak baik.}

The Prophet Muhammad once asked his Companions, "Do you know what is backbiting?" His Companions said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He said, "Backbiting implies your talking about your brother in a manner that he does not like." It was said to him, "What is your opinion about this if I actually find that shortcoming in my brother?" He said, "If what you assert (of a shortcoming) is actually in him, you have backbitten him; if it is not, you have slandered him" (Muslim).

Selain itu, kita ni apabila bercakap adalah lebih baik jauhi dari Nameemah/gosip. Nameemah ni ialah menyebarkan kata-kata diantaramereka untuk membuat mereka membenci antara satu sama lain. Ini adalah kerana Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dalam hadis sahihnya memberitahu,"Dia yang membuat Namimah tidak akan masuk ke syurga". Oleh itu, elakkan daripada mendengar gosip-gosip ini jika tidak mahu berkongsi dosa dengan mereka yang tidak masuk ke syurga. {Gosip ni tak membawa kebaikan pun, jangan gosip sini, gosip sana, lepas tu kerja tak jalan. Skarang ni banyak orang suka tengok gosip artis. Buat apala nak tau pasal hal orang lain padahal diri sendiri pun tak terjaga dari Api Neraka?}

Kita ni apabila berbual suka bercakap tentang perkara yang menggembirakan. Ada juga orang yang suka membuat lawak sehingga kita ketawa berdekah-dekah. Orang jenis ni ialah yang seburuk-buruk orang di sisi Allah di hari Akhirat.

Sabda Rasulullah saw: Sesungguhnya seburuk-buruk orang di sisi Allah di hari akhirat ialah orang yang suka membuat manusia lain ketawa-HR Bukhari {seburuk-buruk manusia di sisi Allah, taknak la aku. Kepada yang suka membuat lawak tu please take note. Sama-sama juga kita jauh dari golongan orang seburuk-buruk manusia di sisi Allah S.W.T.}

Sebenarnya banyak lagi nak kongsi bersama tetapi masa tak mengizinkan. Jika ada salah dan silap dalam hadis atau Quran minta bagitau . Yang baik tu dari Allah S.W.T dan yang buruk tu kelemahan dari saya.

-Saya budak baru belajar, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan-

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya.

Maaf zahir batin.


Allah is the Greatest. Please bless us and guide us.

Monday, August 24, 2009



Ramadan sudah tiba. Dah tiga hari puasa, tiada masalah lagi. Kesihatan semakin baik. Tidur dah berjaya dikurangkan dan badan rasa segar. Sempena bulan ramadan, kita umat Islam diwajibkan berpuasa. Perkara ini adalah jelas dalam surah Baqarah 183-187.

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Kamu diwajibkan berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang yang dahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu bertaqwa.
(Puasa yang diwajibkan itu ialah beberapa hari yang tertentu; maka sesiapa di antara kamu yang sakit, atau dalam musafir, (bolehlah ia berbuka), kemudian wajiblah ia berpuasa sebanyak (hari yang dibuka) itu pada hari-hari yang lain; dan wajib atas orang-orang yang tidak terdaya berpuasa (kerana tua dan sebagainya) membayar fidyah iaitu memberi makan orang miskin. Maka sesiapa yang dengan sukarela memberikan (bayaran fidyah) lebih dari yang ditentukan itu, maka itu adalah suatu kebaikan baginya; dan (walaupun demikian) berpuasa itu lebih baik bagi kamu daripada memberi fidyah), kalau kamu mengetahui.
(Masa yang diwajibkan kamu berpuasa itu ialah) bulan Ramadan yang padanya diturunkan Al-Quran, menjadi petunjuk bagi sekalian manusia, dan menjadi keterangan-keterangan yang menjelaskan petunjuk dan (menjelaskan) perbezaan antara yang benar dengan yang salah. Oleh itu, sesiapa dari antara kamu yang menyaksikan anak bulan Ramadan (atau mengetahuinya), maka hendaklah ia berpuasa bulan itu; dan sesiapa yang sakit atau dalam musafir maka (bolehlah ia berbuka, Kemudian wajiblah ia berpuasa) sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari-hari yang lain. (Dengan ketetapan yang demikian itu) Allah menghendaki kamu beroleh kemudahan, dan Ia tidak menghendaki kamu menanggung kesukaran. Dan juga supaya kamu cukupkan bilangan puasa (sebulan Ramadan), dan supaya kamu membesarkan Allah kerana mendapat petunjukNya, dan supaya kamu bersyukur.
Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu mengenai Aku maka (beritahu kepada mereka): sesungguhnya Aku (Allah) sentiasa hampir (kepada mereka); Aku perkenankan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila ia berdoa kepadaKu. Maka hendaklah mereka menyahut seruanku (dengan mematuhi perintahKu), dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepadaKu supaya mereka menjadi baik serta betul.
Dihalalkan bagi kamu, pada malam hari puasa, bercampur (bersetubuh) dengan isteri-isteri kamu. Isteri-isteri kamu itu adalah sebagai pakaian bagi kamu dan kamu pula sebagai pakaian bagi mereka. Allah mengetahui bahawasanya kamu mengkhianati diri sendiri, lalu Ia menerima taubat kamu dan memaafkan kamu. Maka sekarang setubuhilah isteri-isteri kamu dan carilah apa-apa yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah bagi kamu; dan makanlah serta minumlah sehingga nyata kepada kamu benang putih (cahaya siang) dari benang hitam kegelapan malam), iaitu waktu fajar. Kemudian sempurnakanlah puasa itu sehingga waktu malam (maghrib); dan janganlah kamu setubuhi isteri-isteri kamu ketika kamu sedang beriktikaf di masjid. Itulah batas-batas larangan Allah, maka janganlah kamu menghampirinya. Demikian Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat hukumNya kepada sekalian manusia supaya mereka bertaqwa.

Perkataan bertakwa seperti dalam translasi bahasa Melayu itu juga membawa maksud 'self-restrain' iaitu untuk mengawal nafsu kita. Dengan berpuasa kita dapat mengawal nafsu kita dan kita akan sentiasa berasa bersyukur kepada Allah kerana limpah kurniaNya. Jika kita mahu Allah kabulkan doa kita maka kita haruslah mengikuti perintahNya, beriman kepadaNya serta menjadi baik dan betul. Ini termasuklah perintah untuk berpuasa pada bulan Ramadan. Untung-untung-untungnya berpuasa.

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 133:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet or Abu-l-Qasim said, "Start fasting on seeing the crescent (of Ramadan), and give up fasting on seeing the crescent (of Shawwal), and if the sky is overcast (and you cannot see it), complete thirty days of Sha'ban."

Bermulanya Ramadan apabila melihat anak bulan maka kita pun bermula berpuasa. Kadang-kadang tidak nampak anak bulannya maka kita pun genapkan Shaaban dan baru mula berpuasa. Kita juga boleh henti berpuasa apabila melihat anak bulan pada Shawal.

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 134:
Narrated Um Salama:
The Prophet vowed to keep aloof from his wives for a period of one month, and after the completion of 29 days he went either in the morning or in the afternoon to his wives. Someone said to him "You vowed that you would not go to your wives for one month." He replied, "The month is of 29 days."

Disebabkan dengan melihat anak bulan untuk menentukan masuknya bulan Ramadan dan Shawal, kadang-kala bulan Ramadan hanyalah 29 hari. Mungkin sebab itulah ada sesetengah negara yang berhari raya sehari lebih awal daripada kita. :p

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 138:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "None of you should fast a day or two before the month of Ramadan unless he has the habit of fasting (Nawafil) (and if his fasting coincides with that day) then he can fast that day."

Ada juga antara kita yang ingin berpuasa sehari dua sebelum start puasa. Konon-kononnya untuk 'warm up'. Sebenarnya, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah melarang untuk berbuat demikian kecuali bagi mereka yang sudah biasa berpuasa. Jadi janganlah berpuasa sehari dua sebelum mulanya Ramadan kecuali jika bagi mereka yang sudah biasa berpuasa.

Perkara yang paling saya suka ialah bersahur. Kita kena bangun awal pagi dan bersedia.

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 144:
Narrated Anas:
Zaid bin Thabit said, "We took the Suhur with the Prophet . Then he stood for the prayer." I asked, "What was the interval between the Suhur and the Adhan?" He replied, "The interval was sufficient to recite fifty verses of the Quran."

Persoalannya disini ialah bilakah waktunya bersahur? Jika dilihat daripada hadis diatas, masa bersahur adalah lebih kurang bacaan 50 potong ayat Quran sebelum masuk waktu Subuh/azan. Ada orang yang mengatakan apabila masuk waktu imsak kena henti makan dan minum, saya tidak tahu mereka mengatakan demikian berdasarkan dalil apa tetapi setakat ini tak nampak lagi mana-mana hadis yang mengatakan demikian.

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 146:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, "Take Suhur as there is a blessing in it."

Sahih Muslim, Book 35, Number 2413:
'Amr b. al-'As reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The difference between our fasting and that of the people of the Book is eating shortly before dawn.

Antara sebab yang penting untuk bersahur ialah terdapat 'blessing' dari Allah apabila kita bersahur. Bersahur juga merupakan perbezaan antara puasa kita dan puasa ahli kitab. Oleh yang demikian janganlah kita tinggalkan sahur. Rajin-rajinlah saya dan kita semua bangun bersahur. Ada antara kita yang 'bersahur' lalu tidur dan bangun pada waktu subuh. Saya merasakan 'bersahur' sebelum tidur itu bukanlah sahur tetapi hanya perbuatan makan sahaja. Ini kerana Nabi Muhammad memberitahu waktu sahur adalah lebih kurang dalam 50 ayat dari azan/subuh.

Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Number 1647:
Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The night prayer consists of pairs and when you see the approach of dawn, make this number odd by one rak'ah. It was said to Ibn 'Umar: What does the (word) pair imply? He said: (It means) that salutation is uttered after every two rak'ahs.

Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Number 1663:
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) used to exhort (his Companions) to pray (at night) during Ramadan without commanding them to observe it as an obligatory act, and say: He who observed the night prayer in Ramadan because of faith and seeking his reward (from Allah), all his previous sins would be forgiven. When Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) died, this was the practice, and it continued thus during Abu Bakr's caliphate and the early part of 'Umar's caliphate.

Antara perkara yang patut kita syukurkan ialah nikmat tarawih pada bulan Ramadan. Walaupun bukanlah suatu perkara yang wajib tetapi sesiapa yang solat malam (tarawih) pada Ramadan kerana takwa dan 'reward' dari Allah maka semua dosa-dosa lalunya akan dimaafkan. Siapa yang taknak betul tak? Tapi jangan la paksa2 orang lain terawih. Ini perlulah dilakukan dengan ikhlas.

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 154:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "If somebody eats or drinks forgetfully then he should complete his fast, for what he has eaten or drunk, has been given to him by Allah." Narrated 'Amir bin Rabi'a, "I saw the Prophet cleaning his teeth with Siwak while he was fasting so many times as I can't count." And narrated Abu Huraira, "The Prophet said, 'But for my fear that it would be hard for my followers, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Siwak on every performance of ablution." The same is narrated by Jabir and Zaid bin Khalid from the Prophet who did not differentiate between a fasting and a nonfasting person in this respect (using Siwak). Aisha said, "The Prophet said, "It (i.e. Siwak) is a purification for the mouth and it is a way of seeking Allah's pleasures." Ata' and Qatada said, "There is no harm in swallowing the resultant saliva."

Kadang-kadang tanpa disedari jika kita terlupa kita puasa dan termakan atau terminum maka tidak batal puasanya kerana diberikan oleh Allah S.W.T. Ucaplah 'Alhamdullilah'. :p
Tapi jangan pulak ada antara kita yang buat2 terlupa dan makan sudahlah.

Dulu saya selalu tanya boleh tak gosok gigi kerana bau mulut terlalu busuk. Bagi saya Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah menggalakkan kita menggosok gigi. Sekurang-kurangnya gosoklah gigi setiap kali hendak wudu'. Jika Nabi S.A.W. tidak membezakan siwak pada masa biasa dan pada masa puasa untuk kebersihan mulut dan mencegah bau busuk mulut, siapakah kita untuk memberitahu tidak dibenarkan/ makruh untuk gosok gigi? Walaupun ada sesetengah orang membezakan berus gigi dan bersiwak tetapi tujuannya tetap sama. Bersiwak pun perlukan sedikit kebasahan pada akar sugi yang digunakan. Menggosok gigi pula tidak membatalkan puasa kerana bukannya kita menelan air kumuhan.

Tiada masalah dalam menelan air liur. Tak batal puasa pun. Dulu ada orang (muslim) bagitau saya batal puasa....

Kadang-kala bagi yang wanita, mereka tidak boleh berpuasa apabila datang bulan. Orang yang bermusafir pulak dibenarkan untuk memilih untuk berpuasa atau tidak. Jangan la terkejut jika kita nampak ada orang tak puasa kerana mereka ada hak untuk tidak berpuasa (datang bulan/musafir).

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 164:
Narrated 'Aisha:
(the wife of the Prophet) Hamza bin 'Amr Al-Aslami asked the Prophet, "Should I fast while traveling?" The Prophet replied, "You may fast if you wish, and you may not fast if you wish."

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 168:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
We used to travel with the Prophet and neither did the fasting persons criticize those who were not fasting, nor did those who were not fasting criticize the fasting ones.

Ada kalanya dalam keadaan tertentu seperti apabila bermusafir dan berpuasa, dan jika kita menyusahkan orang di sekeliling kita yang tidak berpuasa (juga musafir) maka adalah lebih baik kita tidak berpuasa. Kadang-kadang juga jika kita bermusafir dan berpuasa lalu tidak mempunyai tenaga untuk melakukan pekerjaan maka adalah lebih baik kita tidak berpuasa.

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 167:
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle was on a journey and saw a crowd of people, and a man was being shaded (by them). He asked, "What is the matter?" They said, "He (the man) is fasting." The Prophet said, "It is not righteousness that you fast on a journey."

Sahih Muslim, Book 35, Number 2485:
Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was journeying (along with his Companions). Some of them had observed the fast whereas the others had broken it. Those who did not fast girded up their loins and worked, but the observers of the fast were too weak to work. Upon this he (the Apostle of Allah) said: Today the breakers of the fast have gone with the reward.

Sahih Muslim, Book 6, Number 2484:
Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported: We were with the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) on a journey. Some of us had been observing the fast and some of us had not been fasting. We got down at a place on a hot day. Most of us had the cloth for shelter.
There were also those amongst us who sheltered (themselves against the rays of the) sun with the help of their hands. The observers of the fast fell down (on account of weakness). Those who had not observed it got up and pitched tents and watered the mounts.
Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: The breakers of the fast have taken away the reward today.

Kalau dah tak puasa tu maka kenalah gantikan sebanyak bilangan hari yang tidak berpuasa. Ini boleh dilihat pada ayat Quran 2:184 dan 2:185. Jika ada kematian dan masih belum gantikan puasa maka, ibubapa atau penjaganya perlulah gantikan puasa itu. Hutang perlu dibayar walaupun sudah tiada di dunia.

Sahih Bukahri, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 173:
Narrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever died and he ought to have fasted (the missed days of Ramadan) then his guardians must fast on his behalf."

Apabila tibanya waktu magrib dimana matahari jatuh maka kita haruslah berbuka dengan cepat. Bula bersahur haruslah dilambat2kan. Inilah cara Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. bersahur dan berbuka. Saya dapati dengan cara ini, apabila kita berpuasa kita tidak akan merasa penat atau mengantuk.

Sahih Muslim, Book 35, Number 2417:
Sahl b. Sa'd (Allah be pleased with him) repotted Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The people will continue to prosper as long as they hasten the breaking of the fast.

Sahih Muslim, Book 35, Number 2420:
Abu 'Atiyya reported: I and Misruq went to 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) and Masruq said to her: There are two persons among the Companions of Muhammad (may peace be upon him) none of whom abandons the good, but one of them hastens to observe sunset prayer and break the fast, and the other delays in observing the sunset prayer and in breaking the fast, whereupon she said: Who hastens to observe sunset prayer and break the fast? He said: It is 'Abdullah. Upon this she said: This is how the Messenger of Allah(may peace be upon him) used to do.

Begitulah serba sedikit celoteh saya pada bulan Ramadan ini. Semua yang diatas ini hanyalah pendapat serta sedikit daripada bacaan saya tentang bulan Ramadan. Jika ada yang salah dan silap minta dikongsi bersama kerana saya budak baru belajar kalau salah tolong tunjukkan.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Friends, which one is the real one?

How do we know who is our real friends and who is not? Here are some verses that helps us to know who are our REAL FRIENDS. Don't forget it is our responsibility to pick our friends well

[002:257] Allah is the friend and patron of those who believe. He brings them out of the depths of darkness into light. While those who do not believe, have the forces of evil as their friends; they lead them out of light, into the very depths of darkness. Such ones shall be the inmates of the fire. They will stay there forever.

[003:028] The believers should not take as friends the unbelievers in preference to the believers _ unless they sense (and suspect) harm (and harassment) from the unbelievers. Whoever does that shall have nothing from Allah at all. Allah cautions you to beware of Him! Towards Allah is your final destination.

[004:089] The hypocrites wish that you would reject faith just like they have. Then, you will (descend down to their level and) be equal to them. Therefore, do not choose them as friends unless they (emigrate and) leave their homes in the path of Allah. If they revert (to open hostility), then seize and slay them wherever you see them. Do not take them as friends or protectors, nor as helpers,

[005:057] Oh you who believe! Do not accept as your friends those who mock your faith and treat it as a joke, whether they are among those given the book before you (the Christians and the Jews), or other unbelievers. Fear Allah (exclusively) if you really are the believers.

[007:027] Oh children of Adam! Do not let Shaitan entice you as he did your (primordial) parents when he got them expelled from paradise. He stripped them of their clothes, in order to expose their nakedness to them. Of course, Shaitan and his tribe watch you from where you cannot see them. Of course, We let the Shaitans be the friends of those who do not believe.

[010:062] Beware! The friends of Allah shall have no fear; nor shall they ever grieve (or be sorry).

[060:009] But Allah forbids you to befriend those who fought against you over matters of faith, those who either assisted others in driving you out of your homes or drove you out themselves. Those of you who befriend them are indeed the evil doers.

[005:055] Your (real) friends are (no less than) God, His Apostle, and the (fellowship of) believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship).

SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 1: The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman) Book 001, Number 0417:

'Amr b. 'As reported: I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) quite audibly and not secretly: Behold! the posterity of my fathers, that is, so and so, are not my friends. Verily Allah and the pious believers are my friends.

A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look at whom you befriend. ~Abu Dawood and at-Tirmidhee ~

"Friends on that Day will be enemies one to another, except al-Muttaqoon (i.e. those who have Taqwah)." [43:67]

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Money! Money! Money!

O Allah, increase the knowledge that benefit us!

We are muslims and we believe in Allah, once we have a sound eeman, Allah test us. We are asked to spend or sacrifice in the way of Allah.

ومثل الذين ينفقون اموالهم ابتغاء مرضاة الله وتثبيتا من انفسهم كمثل جنة بربوة اصابها وابل فاتت اكلها ضعفين 2:265 فان لم يصبها وابل فطل والله بما تعملون بصير

Translation Yusuf Ali:

002:265 And the likeness of those who spend their substance, seeking to please God and to strengthen their souls, is as a garden, high and fertile: heavy rain falls on it but makes it yield a double increase of harvest, and if it receives not Heavy rain, light moisture sufficeth it. God seeth well whatever ye do.

If we spend in the way of Allah S.W.T. to please him, He will reward us here at the dunia and also in the hereafter. We must try to give the best of the things that we love most. Sometimes when there is a donation drive we always give the things that we don't want anymore, I think to give for the sake of Allah we should give the best that we have rather than the things that we don't want anymore.

[002:267] Oh you who believe, spend (in the path of Allah) the wholesome things you have earned, and the best of the products We bring out from the land for you. Do not pick out the worst and the worthless things to give in charity, which you would yourself accept _ if you do at all _ (reluctantly and) with disdain. Know it (for sure) that Allah is Self-sufficient and Praiseworthy (in His own right)!

Charity should not be done in a seasonal fashion. For example, Ramadan is coming up. Its a season when everyone race to do charity. I feel that this practice is not right. Charity should be done regularly as Allah command us to do it this following verses and in many other verses in the Quran:

[002:043] And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship).

Even if we spend just a little, there will be big reward for us as we can see in the Quran al-Hadid verse 7. Allah promise us great rewards for our charity! Can you imagine, just by giving a little, you get big rewards from Allah. Anyone who have a sane mind will want this!

57:7امنوا بالله ورسوله وانفقوا مما جعلكم مستخلفين فيه فالذين امنوا منكم وانفقوا لهم اجر كبير

[057:007] Believe in God and His apostle, and spend (in charity) out of the (substance) whereof He has made you heirs. For, those of you who believe and spend (in charity),- for them is a great Reward.

Also read the following verses:

[002:277] Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

[002:271] If ye disclose (acts of) charity, even so it is well, but if ye conceal them, and make them reach those (really) in need, that is best for you: It will remove from you some of your (stains of) evil. And God is well acquainted with what ye do.

See, just by giving charity, Allah will even get rid of some of our sins.

Everything between the Heaven and Earth belongs to Him. We are just given the amanah to take care of it. Why can't we just use it for charity? Can you imagine Allah gave it to us to take care and when He ask us to use what He have given us for charity. And when people ask for charity some of us still say no?

What stop us from giving/ spending in the Way of Allah S.W.T.?
Allah asked us un al-Hadid verse 10.

57:10 ومالكم الا تنفقوا في سبيل الله ولله ميراث السماوات والارض لايستوي منكم من انفق من قبل الفتح وقاتل اولئك اعظم درجة من الذين انفقوا من بعد وقاتلوا وكلا
وعد الله الحسني والله بما تعملون خبير

[057:010] What is the matter with you? Why do you not spend for the sake of Allah? The heritage of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah! Those of you who spent and fought for the sake of Allah prior to victory (at Makkah), are not equal to others. They are far more exalted in status than those who spent and fought after (victory). Yet, Allah has promised excellent rewards to both. Allah is well Aware of what you do!

The important lesson when we give charity is we have to give it with a sincere heart. We do it for the sake of Allah. We follow what Allah command us to do because who else knows best what is for us now in the dunia and there hereafter.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 76, Number 547:

Narrated 'Adi bin Hatim:

The Prophet said, "There will be none among you but will be talked to by Allah on the Day of Resurrection, without there being an interpreter between him and Him (Allah) . He will look and see nothing ahead of him, and then he will look (again for the second time) in front of him, and the (Hell) Fire will confront him. So, whoever among you can save himself from the Fire, should do so even with one half of a date (to give in charity)."

Whenever I read the above hadith, it always remind me about my responsibility to do charity..... Even with half a date..... to save self from hell fire...

Also, if we can give loan for the sake of Allah S.W.T., we will be given double and many times back. This can be seen in the Quran in many places:-

[002:245] Who is he that will loan to God a beautiful loan, which God will double unto his credit and multiply many times? It is God that giveth (you) Want or plenty, and to Him shall be your return.

[057:011] Who is he that will loan to God a beautiful loan? for (God) will increase it manifold to his credit, and he will have (besides) a liberal Reward.

[057:018] For those who give in Charity, men and women, and loan to God a Beautiful Loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and they shall have (besides) a liberal reward.

[064:017] If ye loan to God, a beautiful loan, He will double it to your (credit), and He will grant you Forgiveness: for God is most Ready to appreciate (service), Most Forbearing,-
Imagine we will be given double of what we give in the way of Allah S.W.T., even loans! Its so easy. We just have to be sincere of our charity and loans in the Way of Allah S.W.T. and we will be rewarded and protected by Him.

[078:036] Compensation from your Lord, a bountiful and generous grant!

When we do charity, it must be with sincere heart. Don't later hurt other people by saying that we have help them so and so, we have done so and so and they owe us etc. If we do that, our charity will be for nothing. Its because our niat is not right. We can see from this verses:-

[002:264] Oh you who believe! Do not mar (and void) your charity by stressing your generosity, and by inflicting (emotional) abuse. Do not be like those who spend their wealth (in charity) solely to be seen _ (to gain public esteem).

[002:262] Those who spend their wealth in the path of Allah _ (provided) they do not, afterwards, inflict abuse (on the recipients of charity) by bragging and boasting about their generosity _ shall have their reward with their Lord. They shall not have any fear, nor shall they ever grieve.

Remember ar Ahong (me), remember what we should do and what we should not do!

We are never enough of money and harta. There more we have the more responsibility and amanah by Allah are given to us in our hands. We can see it in this hadith:-

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

Allah's Apostle said, "If Adam's son had a valley full of gold, he would like to have two valleys, for nothing fills his mouth except dust. And Allah forgives him who repents to Him."

This hadith above have been repeated so many during the times of the Prophet that many people thought that it was part of the Quran. Even in those days, our beloved Prophet Muhammad kept on remind us to remember akhirat as well, dont just remember dunia because the reward in the akhirat is very important. We will either end up in hell or heaven.
And it is after this hadith that Allah S.W.T. revealed to us the surah at-Takaathur verse 1-8. Let me share with u here:

102:1 سورة التكاثر بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛـــــــ الهاكم التكاثر
102:2 حتى زرتم المقابر
102:3 كلا سوف تعلمون
102:4 ثم كلا سوف تعلمون
102:5 كلا لو تعلمون علم اليقين
102:6 لترون الجحيم
102:7 ثم لترونها عين اليقين
102:8 ثم لتسألن يومئذ عن النعيم

Translation by Yusuf Ali:

[102:001] The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things),

[102:002] Until ye visit the graves.

[102:003] But nay, ye soon shall know (the reality).

[102:004] Again, ye soon shall know!

[102:005] Nay, were ye to know with certainty of mind, (ye would beware!)

[102:006] Ye shall certainly see Hell-Fire!

[102:007] Again, ye shall see it with certainty of sight!

[102:008] Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!).

I hope and I pray that myself, the brother and sisters in Islam will remember the akhirat. We are muslims and both the dunia and akhirat are important. What we do at dunia will determine our place in the akhirat, wether we go the heaven or hell.

Its the end of the month, gaji sudah masuk and its megasale time. Just dont forget zakat and charity.

This is just a reminder to myself.
Money!money!money! = Charity!charity!charity!